Everyone is talking about Long Range! What a blast. Thinking about trying it out? How about a Long Range Familiarization Class? Contact Superstition Slim to find out more. His contact info is on Staff page under MORE on menu bar.(Well maybe not everyone was talking about LR but a few were.)

Click on boot for our matinee!
Our Sat 04 December scores are HERE. Possibly you did not get to take advantage of the bonus flyer and feel you could have done better. Well come out to Practice on Wed 15 Dec 3-7 on pistol bay 4 and shoot the flyer! For Cowboy Practice register HERE. Cost is $5 payable at the range..
Our 01 Jan 2022 match has been rescheduled for Friday 31 Dec. Match will start at 8 am. More details to follow.
This space for rent.
Get a leg up on next years shooting season, renew your membership now. Just go HERE.
For those shooters who are worried about ammo, primer and powder shortages, the Rio Cowboys would like to introduce the John Wayne Category. Shooters will participate in the match but only use half the required ammunition. This is a temporary offering at our matches and will be available until ammo and reloading components supplies return to normal.
For details about John Wayne and Josey Wales categories go HERE.
Our matches now utilize online registration and match fee payment on line by credit card. There is a shopping cart and checkout process similar to other on line purchasing. Our preferred refund is to give a credit to a future match for withdrawls/cancellations that notify us in advance. To withdraw from the match notify Claudia Feather at claudiaingoglia@msn.com.
Volunteerism, the life blood of a cowboy shooting club. This is evident at the match when your fellow shooters volunteer to be Posse Marshal, TO, spotters and brass pickers. Volunteerism makes for a good match. And when the match is over cowboys and cowgirls join in to pickup steel. However there would not have been a match were it not for the very few that come out on Friday and volunteer to set up the steel. We need more of you as Friday volunteers. No volunteer is more indispensable than the Friday setup crew. For our matches to continue you must help. While volunteering has its own intrinsic reward, volunteers who help setup will be eligible for reduced match fees. See our shop for the fees.

End of Trail is comin!
End of Trail is comin!

Firearms safety at the range begin in the parking lot. Wear eye protection and maintain safe muzzle direction when moving firearms from car to cart.